
Day off!

I've had such a great day, having a rare day off and no riding! I know this might sound weird to some people, and I am more than happy to have the chance to ride more than one horse everyday, and I'm really thankful for the opportunity... but it does feel great to not sit in a saddle and to be able to do other stuff! 

Both Vallu and Rama had the day off as well, and they both got a quick lunge in the afternoon. 

And I was able to go for a run! I had forgotten how much I love running, and I was very surprised to realise how much my stamina had increased. Normally after a long time of no running, I can barely jog for 5 minutes, yet today I did 15 minutes of actual non-stop running. Now I want to start running more than once a week, but I'll see how it goes. ;)
Vallu had a great time on the lunge, he even reared up once!

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