
31 Day Social Media Challenge Day 14: Why do you do what you do?

Today's challenge was to share why you do what you do. So why do I blog? It's been nearly 5 and a half years since I suddenly decided to start blogging about my life and my horses, and I honestly never thought I'd have so many people interested in my options, my training diaries or my passion for equestrian style and trends. But since then I have gained followers from all over the world and even won awards for my blog. When blogging started (and I was already several years late to the game), the first blogs were really just online diaries, and in the chance of becoming a professional blogger and making money online was not the goal. And for me, it still isn't. But since then the blogging world has changed, developed and evolved, and now people blog for many different reasons. I think it's pretty easy to spot those who blog to earn money and gain products, and those who do it for a love of blogging and sharing their own personal journeys. I do it for the love of blogging, but there are also other reasons:

1. You get to express yourself and share what you are passionate about:
Although the blogging world has changed, I still think that there are plenty of blogs that are more of a platform for people to express their ideas and thoughts, rather than just for gaining a following and becoming popular. No matter what the passion is (for me it is dressage training and competing, equestrian style and opinion posts about the equestrian world), I think blogging gives the chance for everyone to show the world what you're passionate about! ❤️

2. You get make a difference:
For me, a blog is a great way to build awareness and make a difference. It's possible to inspire others to start riding again, competing again or even just to feel better about themselves just by reading your blog posts! I follow many blogs which are written to help other people who are going through similar situations that I've experienced, and I find it so comforting to know that other people have gone through the same things as I have and to have another random person online share that same experience or opinion. 
3. You get to share your knowledge:
If you’re someone like me who loves to share their knowledge, blogging provides a way through which to educate others who are interested in the same things. I really enjoy learning from other equestrian bloggers and can really relate with them if any problems arise with my horses.  It is a great community. Not only does blogging gives normal people a ‘voice’ to share their stories and experiences but also lets you to share your knowledge and opinions!

4. You get to connect with people like yourself:
Blogging brings like-minded people together. Especially if you have a great place like Haynet and #HorseBloggers to help you. There is a fantastic equestrian community on Twitter where you can connect with other equestrians (even if you don't have a blog!) Blogging gives everyone the opportunity to connect with likeminded individuals who share the same passion.

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